The developers of web-resources vying with each other trying to surprise and attract users with unusual solutions. In some cases, such experiments give just the opposite result. To make the site attractive and interesting, professionals recommend listening to the following recommendations.

First, install an uninterruptible power supply. After all, you do not want to lose all their work because of the banal power surges? So, getting ready to start work, take a look at the design of the site. Is not too much on the page icons, buttons and other elements? Experts recommend leaving a maximum amount of free space.
Study your competitors. Whatever the topic of your site, whether it is the sale of UPS or travel, analyze some of the most successful in this area resources. Perhaps somewhere you will like fonts or graphics – note every little detail that catches your eye. Consider whether it can be applied to your resource. Remember about the visual hierarchy. For example, if you’re looking to draw a visitor’s attention to a particular promotion, place information about it in the upper left corner. According to studies, the human eye moves down the screen from top to bottom, from left to right.
Readability of text

Site content should answer basic visitor questions. Make it accessible and easily digestible. For example, do not experiment with fonts. It is unlikely the user will read the text, printed in beige on a white background. Fonts should be large enough, and the information itself is logically structured.